Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (2025)

One of the most useful manners by which to classify the standard (or common) amino acids is based on the polarity (that is, the distribution of electric charge) of the R group (e.g., side chain).

Group I: Nonpolar amino acids

Group I amino acids are glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, phenylalanine, methionine, and tryptophan. The R groups of these amino acids have either aliphatic or aromatic groups. This makes them hydrophobic (“water fearing”). In aqueous solutions, globular proteins will fold into a three-dimensional shape to bury these hydrophobic side chains in the protein interior. The chemical structures of Group I amino acids are:

Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (1)

Isoleucine is an isomer of leucine, and it contains two chiral carbon atoms. Proline is unique among the standard amino acids in that it does not have both free α-amino and free α-carboxyl groups. Instead, its side chain forms a cyclic structure as the nitrogen atom of proline is linked to two carbon atoms. (Strictly speaking, this means that proline is not an amino acid but rather an α-imino acid.) Phenylalanine, as the name implies, consists of a phenyl group attached to alanine. Methionine is one of the two amino acids that possess a sulfur atom. Methionine plays a central role in protein biosynthesis (translation) as it is almost always the initiating amino acid. Methionine also provides methyl groups for metabolism. Tryptophan contains an indole ring attached to the alanyl side chain.

Group II: Polar, uncharged amino acids

Group II amino acids are serine, cysteine, threonine, tyrosine, asparagine, and glutamine. The side chains in this group possess a spectrum of functional groups. However, most have at least one atom (nitrogen, oxygen, or sulfur) with electron pairs available for hydrogen bonding to water and other molecules. The chemical structures of Group II amino acids are:

Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (2)

Two amino acids, serine and threonine, contain aliphatic hydroxyl groups (that is, an oxygen atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, represented as ―OH). Tyrosine possesses a hydroxyl group in the aromatic ring, making it a phenol derivative. The hydroxyl groups in these three amino acids are subject to an important type of posttranslational modification: phosphorylation (see below Nonstandard amino acids). Like methionine, cysteine contains a sulfur atom. Unlike methionine’s sulfur atom, however, cysteine’s sulfur is very chemically reactive (see below Cysteine oxidation). Asparagine, first isolated from asparagus, and glutamine both contain amide R groups. The carbonyl group can function as a hydrogen bond acceptor, and the amino group (NH2) can function as a hydrogen bond donor.

Group III: Acidic amino acids

The two amino acids in this group are aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Each has a carboxylic acid on its side chain that gives it acidic (proton-donating) properties. In an aqueous solution at physiological pH, all three functional groups on these amino acids will ionize, thus giving an overall charge of −1. In the ionic forms, the amino acids are called aspartate and glutamate. The chemical structures of Group III amino acids are

Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (3)

The side chains of aspartate and glutamate can form ionic bonds (“salt bridges”), and they can also function as hydrogen bond acceptors. Many proteins that bind metal ions (“metalloproteins”) for structural or functional purposes possess metal-binding sites containing aspartate or glutamate side chains or both. Free glutamate and glutamine play a central role in amino acid metabolism. Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.

Group IV: Basic amino acids

The three amino acids in this group are arginine, histidine, and lysine. Each side chain is basic (i.e., can accept a proton). Lysine and arginine both exist with an overall charge of +1 at physiological pH. The guanidino group in arginine’s side chain is the most basic of all R groups (a fact reflected in its pKa value of 12.5). As mentioned above for aspartate and glutamate, the side chains of arginine and lysine also form ionic bonds. The chemical structures of Group IV amino acids are

Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (4)

The imidazole side chain of histidine allows it to function in both acid and base catalysis near physiological pH values. None of the other standard amino acids possesses this important chemical property. Therefore, histidine is an amino acid that most often makes up the active sites of protein enzymes.

The majority of amino acids in Groups II, III, and IV are hydrophilic (“water loving”). As a result, they are often found clustered on the surface of globular proteins in aqueous solutions.

Amino acid - Building Blocks, Structure, Functions | Britannica (2025)


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