1. Bullet (Film, 2014) - MovieMeter.nl
Actie / Misdaad film geregisseerd door Nick Lyon. Met Danny Trejo, Eve Mauro en Torsten Voges.

2. Volledige Cast van Bullet (Film, 2014) - MovieMeter.nl
Acteurs & actrices · Danny Trejo · Eve Mauro · Torsten Voges · Seri DeYoung · Jonathan Banks · Kyle Villalovos · Eric St. John · Gerald Webb. Ringmaster Mike ...
Volledig overzicht van alle acteurs en actrices in de film Bullet (2014)

3. Bullet | Rotten Tomatoes
Nick Lyon thumbnail image. Nick Lyon. Director ; Danny Trejo thumbnail image. Danny Trejo. Frank ; Jonathan Banks thumbnail image. Jonathan Banks. Carlito Kane.
Frank (Danny Trejo), a police officer, takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped.

4. Bullet (2014) directed by Nick Lyon • Reviews, film + cast - Letterboxd
Danny Trejo plays 'Bullet' a tough cop who takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped.

5. Bullet (2014) | FilmTotaal
Bevat niet: director | Resultaten tonen met:director
Actie uit Verenigde Staten. Regie Nick Lyon. Frank "Bullet" Marasco is een oude rot in het vak; hij is politieagent in Los Angeles, die al jaren actief is in het vak. Als een criminele bende zijn...
6. Bullet (2014) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
Danny Trejo. Frank · Seri DeYoung. Jessica · Torsten Voges. Kruger · Jonathan Banks. Carlito Kane · Kyle Villalovos. Mario · Eve Mauro. Samantha · Eric St. John.
Danny Trejo plays 'Bullet' a tough cop who takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped.

7. Bullet DVD (2014) Danny Trejo, Lyon (DIR) cert 15 - BOGAMO
10 Mar 2014. Editie: Normal Taal: Engels Drager: DVD Aantal disks: 1 disc(s) EAN: 5035822211537. Meer informatie. SKU, 5035822211537. Genre, Action. Director ...

8. Bullet (2014) - CeDe.com
25 feb 2014 · Bullet (2014) ; Director, Nick Lyon ; Actor, Danny Trejo, Jonathan Banks, Julia Dietze ; Label, GIANT APE ; Genre, Action.
Return to the macho glory days of shootouts, explosions, and killer one-liners with Bullet, a gritty action epic every real man should own!
International film star Danny Trejo is Frank "Bullet" Marasco, a tough talking, no nonsense cop whose fists are every bit as deadly as his gun. When ruthless mob boss Carlito Kane (Jonathan Banks, Breaking Bad) kidnaps the governor`s daughter - and Bullet`s grandson - the streets of Los Angeles become a very deadly place to be. Gunshots ring out and tires squeal as Bullet ditches his badge and goes looking to wipe out Kane`s evil army one henchmen at a time. With the clock ticking on his grandson`s life, Bullet tracks Kane to a desert hideout for a pulse-pounding, mano-a-mano Mexican showdown. Bodies pile up and blood soaks the ground as Bullet bets his life that he can break the baddest of bad guys!

9. Bullet (2014) Review - The Action Elite
If you remember last year there was some controversy surrounding this film which is produced by Robert Rodriguez. Director Nick Lyon, apparently wasn't happy ...
Plot: A tough cop takes the law into his own hands when his grandson is kidnapped. Review: I think it’s safe to say that Danny Trejo is one of the hardest working people in Hollywood as he practically has a new movie out every week. Bullet has Trejo playing cop Frank 'Bullet' Marasco, a tough but

10. Bullet | Film | 2014 - Filmweb
Bullet (2014) - Tajniak z Los Angeles, Frank, jest bliski przejścia na emeryturę. Ostatnia akcja komplikuje mu jednak plany.

11. Bullet review – 'Lazy, rickety nonsense' - The Guardian
6 mrt 2014 · Granite-faced tough-guy actor Danny Trejo got a new lease of life with the tongue-in-cheek grindhouse movies Machete and Machete Kills. Those at ...
There's nothing to be vain about in this Danny Trejo vanity project with no laughs, no interest and no surprises, writes Peter Bradshaw

12. Bullet (2014) - ČSFD.cz
Bullet (2014) - film: Recenze, Hodnocení, Zajímavosti, Videa, Galerie, Data uvedení, Diskuze, Filmotéka a další...

13. Bullet (2014) pełna obsada - Filmweb
Pełna obsada filmu Bullet (2014) - Tajniak z Los Angeles, Frank, jest bliski przejścia na emeryturę ... Bullet /film/Bullet-2014-687076 2014. Pełna obsada (61).
Pełna obsada filmu Bullet (2014) - Tajniak z Los Angeles, Frank, jest bliski przejścia na emeryturę. Ostatnia akcja komplikuje mu jednak plany.

14. Bullet - Film 2014 - AlloCiné
Bullet est un film réalisé par Nick Lyon avec Danny Trejo, Torsten Voges. Synopsis : Frank Marasco, surnommé « Bullet », est le flic le plus féroce de Los ...
Frank Marasco, surnommé « Bullet », est le flic le plus féroce de Los Angeles. Il s’apprête à partir à la retraite. Lorsque son petit-fils est kidnappé, il décide de se faire justice lui-même : il ne reculera devant rien pour le retrouver.

15. Bullet (Film 2014): trama, cast, foto - Movieplayer.it
Bullet (2014), scheda completa del film di Nick Lyon con Danny Trejo, Torsten Voges, Jonathan Banks: trama, cast, trailer, gallerie, boxoffice, premi, ...
Bullet, la recensione del film, la trama, i trailer, le foto dal set ed il cast completo.

16. Bullet (2014) - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Bullet (2014) · Handguns · Submachine Guns · Shotguns · Carbines · Table of Guns.
17. Watch Bullet (Director's Cut) (2014) - Free Movies | Tubi
19 aug 2023 · When a vengeful cartel boss kidnaps his grandson and the governor's daughter, a tough Los Angeles cop takes the law into his own hands.
When a vengeful cartel boss kidnaps his grandson and the governor's daughter, a tough Los Angeles cop takes the law into his own hands.
18. Bullet (2014) - Film - Cinema.de
Frank „Bullet“ Marasco (Trejo) arbeitet als knallharter Undercoverpolizist in Los Angeles. Sein nächster Fall aber ist höchst privat: Um seinen mörderischen ...
Das Kinoprogramm in Deutschland mit allen Neustarts, Filmen, DVDs, dem Filmquiz und vielen Stars, News, Fotos und Insider-Infos: alles rund ums Kino bei CINEMA Online